My artistic practice is an ongoing examination of the subtle emotional space between feelings of comfort and discomfort. Throughout my practice I have explored numerous media and approaches to the topic.  I have created works in the theatre, in video and photography, through social practice, and through various textile and craft approaches. I have found that my investigations in fabric have been the most successful and fitting for the blend of emotions I seek to convey through my work.

My body of work employs the playful and the every day as staging areas in my continuing exploration of fragility, tragedy, and the macabre. In my work, I aim to invoke a sense of discomfort in the viewer, while simultaneously creating a punch line that may ease their tension.  In the past I have interrogated dreams and nightmares, motherhood, my childhood home and domestic space in a number of different projects, within each of these seemingly harmless and potentially boring subjects I have sought to explore nostalgia and anxiety through the creation of work.